For those that have found their way to this old blog in search of some good DIY filmmaking tips and insight, please visit the official Muna Brothers site, MUNABROS.COM. Featuring everything from behind the scenes commentary of Shiro's Head to filmmaking info, everything is now at our permanent online home. See you there!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Posted by
Kel Muna
Monday, January 10, 2011
Labels: DIY Filmmaking Tips and Tricks, Independent Film Info, Shiro's Head
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Shiro's Head Screens at the University of Guam
Click Here for Shiro's Head @ UOG Ticket Info
Okay, I guess the smoke isn't clearing as fast as I thought it would BUT that's a good thing. This week, Shiro's Head will screen at the University of Guam College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences to help raise funds to send 2 UOG students to take a student film out to Bali for a Pacific Asia conference. The name of their film: "Casting Our Net: Rediscovering Community in the 21st Century". The name of the conference: The East West Center International Conference: "Building an Asia Pacific Community: Unity in Diversity", November 13-15, 2008.
This is a pivotal time for Pacific Asian media. With "Shiro's Head", "Casting Our Net" and now "I Fuetsan I Taotao", Don and I want to help the momentum along and to create an awareness for local art by showcasing it where it needs to be. It all starts with the effort. A BIG thanks to Sandra Okada, Charissa Aguon and others involved for initiating such a bold and much needed project. Click Here for Shiro's Head @ UOG Ticket Info
...and yes, I'll be posting about Hawaii and Philly. I'm still unwinding.
Posted by
Kel Muna
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Labels: Guam, Independent Film Info, Preserving a Culture
Sunday, October 19, 2008
As the Smoke Clears
This past week (not to mention month) has been a wild one. Wow. A lot to soak in. Don and I just flew in from Hawaii from the Louis Vuitton Hawaii International Film Festival and we have much to talk about. Our brother Mike was the proxy for the Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival and was amazed at what he saw. There is a lot to tell you all and I'm extremely eager to share - BUT - I just need a little while until things settle so I can get my life back to normal and spend time with family.
Posted by
Kel Muna
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Labels: DIY Movie Blurbs, Guam
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Yo, Adrian! (aka) Hafa, Philly?!
At the same time that Encore Presentations of Shiro's Head will show this weekend here on Guam, the Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival, sponsored by HBO will be showing it as well. Out of hundreds of feature film entries, they will showcase only eight for their inaugural festival. And needless to say, that Don and I are extremely honored that Shiro's Head is one of them. Although Don and I will be here at home during the Philly Film Fest, the Festival Director Joe Kim and staff have been more than hospitable to the people that are heading out east to represent Shiro's Head at the fest. Thanks, Mr. Kim!
Our other brother Mike will be heading up along with a few Guam boys from Houston to check it out. We're as excited to hear about it just as much as you all may be. As soon as we get pics/updates we'll be able to share them with you all as well. If you have any relatives/friends in the Philly/East coast area, please invite them to the showing. I'm sure the guys might be able to squeeze a barbecue into their schedule.;)
Oh and one more thing...YO ADRIAN! I DID IT! Get it? Rocky...Philly? Yeah? No?
Posted by
Kel Muna
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Labels: DIY Movie Blurbs, Guam
Shiro's Head Encore Shows!
Thank you to all of you who have voiced your demand for more showings of Shiro's Head! Because of you, there will be 5 Encore Presentations of Shiro's Head this weekend at the Agana Center Stadium Theaters!
So for those that haven't had a chance to get tickets for last weekend's showings (or would just like to see it again) now's your chance! The dates and times are as follows:
Saturday, October 11th
12pm, 3pm and 7pm
Tickets are $10 and are available at these SELECT 76 Circle K locations: Sinajana, Barrigada, Ypao Road (across the UIU building), Dededo and Anigua
Sunday, October 12th
12pm and 3pm
Tickets are $10 and are available at these SELECT 76 Circle K locations: Sinajana, Barrigada, Ypao Road (across the UIU building), Dededo and Anigua
Don and I will be present for a question and answer segment after each show. If you're too shy to raise your hand, no worries. Feel free to come up to us and we can chat face to face if you got time.
Again, THANK YOU for letting your voices be heard. Bring a friend and we'll see you there!
p.s. to my personal friends, guys - especially Dur - don't wait 'til the last minute again, pare! hehe.
Posted by
Kel Muna
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Labels: DIY Movie Blurbs, Guam, Independent Film Info, Preserving a Culture
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Shiro's Head Sold Out Crowds - Thank You!
Again, I just wanted to say "thank you" to all of those who attended the general admission showings over the weekend! WOW! You have no idea how I feel right now! I have to collect my thoughts and devote more in-depth posts to it sometime soon. Count on it! Thanks to you all! Although I'll try my best to thank you individually a little later, I will take a quick moment to say "Thank You" to Ms. Flores my 6th grade art teacher from Agueda Johnston Middle School. She was part of the full house on Sunday's showing. Sorry so short, but there's a lot of last minute stuff I need to get done for the movie. More to come!
Posted by
Kel Muna
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Labels: DIY Movie Blurbs, Guam
Shiro's Head World Premiere - Thank You!
The journey has reached a crazy point in its timeline with the Shiro's Head Red Rug Event and World Premiere taking place last Friday. Words? I have plenty of them - however, there are a lot of things that I'd love to post - especially with all that's happened within the last month - and I will just as soon as the smoke clears (from the film fests, etc), so please stay tuned as I spill my guts about the whole experience within the next few weeks or so.
For now, I must take this time to let everyone know (and I think I speak for Don on this, too) that we are more than forever grateful for your support throughout this entire "nutso" journey. It's a crazy feeling, man. Totally unreal. For those that were there for the Red Rug, thank you for coming out and supporting not only a dream from me and Don, but also for local talent as well as supporting the unsung heroes like those from Erica's House. From family to friends, the bands that came out to perform like Rebel Lion, By Blood, Matala, and the full house of moviegoers who just wanted to see a homegrown flick on a Friday night- THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
-oh and don't worry...once don and i get a chance to settle in, we'll be putting up tons of pics from not only the premiere, but of all the showings. more to come!
photos by Steve Hardy
Posted by
Kel Muna
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Labels: DIY Movie Blurbs, Guam, Preserving a Culture