Saturday, October 13, 2007

About Kel Muna


Kel Muña... co-producer/writer/director of the independent film "Shiro's Head" (official selection of the Louis Vuitton Hawaii International Film Festival and the inaugural Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival); co-author of the filmmaking book, "Why Go To Film School? - The Beginner's Guide to Filmmaking";

...and has produced content for independent and corporate projects for documentaries/television/radio/print and web for well over a decade.

You can visit the Muna Bros. Official Site, or read his Squidoo Lens, reviews of his book, reviews of his movie and what Google thinks of him.

After positions as Broadcast Director for an advertising agency, Program Director for two radio stations and a position at the San Francisco Bay Area's news channel KTVU, Kel decided to pursue the most fulfilling projects he has known to date - with various creative endeavors as part of The Muña Bros. duo.

Kel graduated as Valedictorian of his film class along with various honors and holds a degree in film and video production from the world famous Full Sail School of Film.